Common Core Spotlight: New Rubric Evaluation Charts
As Common Core Standards become more prevalent in your class, the greater the need there is to ensure that students are grasping the necessary skill elements. But how do you assess their competency of each required standard? With our new rubric charts.
Rubric Evaluation ChartsIn addition to new math and ELA worksheets, abcteach is proud to launch a series of rubric evaluation charts to help you assess how well your students are mastering their Common Core skills. The first series of charts evaluates ‘Writing.’ Fashioned in the typical rubric structure, they display the specific skill/standard (taken directly from the Common Core website), then provide four adjacent columns for you ascertain where your student’s skills lie. The four columns include the following:
• 4 – Exceeds Grade Level
• 3 – At Grade Level
• 2 – Approaching Grade Level
• 1 – Below Grade Level
Common Core identifies three writing styles that students need to grasp: persuasive, informative/explanatory, and narrative. We have found that a majority of teachers typically start with persuasive, so we are creating those materials first, for grades K-5. Stay tuned in the following months for your informative/explanatory and narrative rubric charts – there’s more to come!
How to Use
The new rubric charts support materials found on abcteach, as well as your current Common Core worksheets. Let’s start on the site and take 5th grade – Writing as an example. Here, you’ll find a variety of items, including your rubric, an explanatory poster, and a packet of practice sheets with a student mastery checklist. The student checklist is a great tool, as it is aligned, and can be used in conjunction, with the rubric. Students simply check off that they’ve completed the work, and then the rubric provides your final overview assessment. *Note: Persuasive Writing rubrics are designed to be used with Narrative checklists; this is displayed in the example below.

We hope that you enjoy our new rubrics, but most of all, we hope you’ll find them useful. Common Core Standards can be ambiguous and tedious at times (not to mention frustrating). Our rubrics are designed to provide a clear definition of what you’re looking for and what you’re grading, with the hopes of making the process faster and easier.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on our materials. We’re here to help!
Posted by Kathy Butler and Lindsey Elton, abcteach Team