/b/ Sound Toddler Speech plus Language Activities
A limited weeks ago, I guaranteed the fans of my
Talking With Toddlers Facebook Pagewhich I might provide away anything free when you reached 220 fans. Well, you reached which plus then several! We are today as much as 253 wants. Should you haven't yet liked the Facebook page please go like it today. Additionally to toddler speech plus code tricks, you provide parenting articles, toddler dishes, children's escapades, plus many terrific info for your children!
I've decided to provide the freebie through my website. Although I'm a little late getting it together (my family plus I are inside the task of purchasing a home today which we're settled inside Mississippi following moving here inside December of last year), I thought late was much better than not, proper?The freebie concentrates on the early developing speech sound /b/. Toddlers ought to be capable to state this sound by age of 2 to 3. Not just does this lesson focus found on the /b/ sound, it equally targets vocabulary plus toddler code abilities. The escapades for the /b/ sound were taken from my book, Talking With Toddlers - 52 Tips to Increase Speech plus Language Skills. Be certain to go and visit my book when you're trying to find more methods to stimulate a toddler's speech plus code abilities!
Here's a freebie:With the file under, you are able to have a toddler point to the images because we name them, he/she could name them because we point for them, you are able to speak regarding them with the toddler whilst targeting the /b/ sound, conceal them about a space plus allow a toddler locate them when naming the photos, etc.